Privacy policies
Llar de Llevant, Sl, society limited with social address at C/.Xicamunda, 3, local 1 of Manacor, with CIF ESB57438483 is the owner of the website
This politics has elaborated with full compliance with the applicable laws at matter of protection of personal data, that is to say Law 15/1999 of Spanish Personal Protection of data of 13 of December and the Real decree 1720/2007, of 21 of December.
In compliance with the disposals of the law of Protection of Data of Personal Character and his rule of development informs that the data facilitated by the users will be incorporated at a file and these data will be treated with the purpose to manage the relations with our users of the Website. These data also can be utilised to generate profiles of user and to route, for electronic and postal modes information commercial customised that it can being of his interest at relation with the products and services of Home of Levanter of the measure at what have consented previously.
The data collected at our Website will not be transmitted at third.
The website utilises cookies to provide some services and functions.
Llar de Llevant reserves the right to modify the policy present of privacy of accord with